Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Long before any westerners reached the region, the ancient Bicols (the people) already has the culture of their own. They called their land IBALON, possibly after their chieftain-DATU GAT ABAAL, who ruled the inhabited territories from his seat of power at Sawangan on the mouth of Makabalo River which is now the present day Legazpi City.
The sword and the cross of Spain reached Ibalon in 1570 when part of Legazpi Urdaneta expeditionary force headed by two Augustinian friars, Fr. Alonzo Jimenez and Fr. Juan Orca landed at the southwestern coast of the western peninsula. The named the southern part of the peninsula �TIERRA DE IBALON� and the northern part , �TIERRA DE CAMARINES�. Tierra de ibalon is also referred to as the first Christian settlement in the island of Luzon.
After the Christianization and colonization of Ibalon , the peninsula was divided in to two encomienda. The eastern portion. The encomienda de Busaingan went to Pedro Arnedo, while the pther half was given to Rodrigo Arias Giron. Busaingan which means �breaker� was the name given to the coastal settlement of the southern tip of Luzon, The present town of Santa Magdalena in Sorsogon Province.
Ibalon had a port call for galleon plying the Manila-Acapulco route. Historians believed that this could be what is now known as the port of Legazpi City. It was at this port that Bishop Salazar, the first bishop assigned to the Philippines was stranded for the few weeks during he was able to learn the abuses of encomienderos.
It was believed that the report of Bishop Salazar could have been one of the causes for the abolition of the encomienda system in Ibalon, thus, paving the way for the birth of two original Bicol provinces- AMBOS CAMARINES which included Albay and Sorsogon.
The boundaries of the Region were clearly delineated in a decree issued by Spanish Governor General Narciso de Claveria on October 19,1836, fixing the territorial limits between Ambos Camarines underwent a series of divisions and fusions until 1919 when the Philippine Legislature enacted Act. No. 2809, creating the separate province of Camarines Sur.
Partido de Ibalon, which comprise the eastern part of the peninsula had changed in name very much earlier when a decree was issued in 1663 renaming this political subdivision Albay. Some of the town of Ambos Camarines and Ibalon were interchanged. The islands of Catanduanes and Masbate were declared seperat military districts.
Sorsogon which used to be part of Albay beacame a province in 1894. Byy virtue of an executive order issued by Governor-General in 1908, Masbate was made a sub-province of Albay by the American Civil Government. It became an independent province on October 26, 1945 by virtue of the Commonwealth Act No. 687.
But presently, as the Bicolanos go back to redicover their beginnings, their stirred up the trend to favor the more native name: KABIKOLAN or simply BIKOL.
Bicol Region lies at 122� to 124� east longitude and 12� to 14� latitude or generally at the midsection of the country. Occupying the southern stretch of Luzon, the Bicol Peninsula is surrounded by natural barrier. Actually, seas that can by highways for contact with other people. The area is bounded on the north by Lamon Bay and Pacific Ocean on the East, the Sibuyan Sea and Ragay Gulf on the west. It has land access to the rest of Luzon through its neighbor on the north, Quezon Province.
The Bicol Region stretches towards the Pacific Ocean for more than 160 miles from the province of Camarines Norte in the northwest, to Sorsogon in the southwest. The underbelly of Bicol is composed of the provinces of Catanduanes and Masbate which stand guard on the northern and southern approaches.
The Bicol region is composed of four contiguous provinces: ALBAY, CAMARINES SUR, CAMARINES NORTE, and SORSOGON; two island provinces of CATANDUANES and MASBATE and seven cities namely Legazpi City, Naga City, Iriga City, Tabaco City, Ligao City, Sorsogon City and Masbate City.
It has a total land area of 1,763,249 hectares of approximately 17,632,400 square kilometers. Cmarines Sur is the biggest with 526,682 (naga City and Iriga City included) and Catanduanes, the smallest with 151,148 hectares. The other provinces have the following areas: Albay-Legazpi � 255,257 has.; Camarines Norte � 211,249 has.; Masbate � 404,769 has. Of this land area, 1,250,460 hectares are alienable and disposable while 359,789 hectares are public forest areas.
The western and southern parts of the Bicol Region along Camarines Sur and Camarines Norte and Albay do not have pronounced dry and wet seasons. Rainfall in this areas are evenly distributed the year round, which make them suited to agriculture. The eastern and northern portion of the region are characterized by a definite absence of dry season with a very pronounced maximum rain period from November to January.9
As of 2000, the Bicol Region registered a population of about, 4,755,076 which represented 8 percent of the country�s total population.
In terms of the distribution of the region�s population, Albay has the biggest population followed by Camarines Sur. Catanduanes has the smallest population.
The region is generally hilly and mountainous except for a few stretches of plains extending from Camarines Sur to the southwestern part of Albay and several smaller coastal and inland plains in other parts of the peninsula. It has many rivers, lakes, bays, mountains, volcanoes, and waterfalls, caves and springs. The beautiful and interesting spots are well distributed in the area. The region is dotted with volcanoes with the imposing and majestic Mayon Volcano as the most domiant.
Investors looking for a favorable busiess environment will find Bicol an ideal place. Currently, the region is identified in the national map as a tourism and maritime zone due to its accessibility to Manila and Visayan Provinces.
The region manifests a mixture of dynamic culture, resilient and religious people, and literate workforce.
Bicol is accessible to Manila and the rest of Luzon through air, land, rail and sea. Manila is about 9 hours away fro those taking the south road of the Manila�Bicol route and about 45 minutes by air transportation.
In terms of telecommunications, the region�s network consists of wired and wireless telecommunications. Communication lines with the latest technology had been installed throughout the region ranging from landlines using fiber optics and cellsites for cellular phones. An array of radio and television networks, postal services, Internet Service Providers (ISP) and cable networks are also growing in number rendering their utmost services to the public.
The region is a major supplier of geothermal energy with its Tiwi and Bacon-Manito Geothermal Plants. A wide selection of places for conferences, conventions and training are available. The region also prides itself of having a literacy rate of 96% with schools and universities at par with those in Manila.
Money transactions are made easy through the services of different banking institutions and ATM Networks in major urban centers. Aside from being highly literate, the Bicolano workforce is skilled and hardworking. Majority of the workforce is English speaking.
The region�s economy is based on light industry and agriculture. Its main products consists of rice, coconut, corn, cement, abaca products, cutlery, and ceramics. The region also plays host to varied types of large companies belonging to local and multinational investors
Languages of Bicol
Philippine Sub-branch of the Malay Branch of Western or
Malayan Sub-Family of the Austronesian Family of Languages.
There are three sub-families of Austronesian, the Northern
or Formosan of central Taiwan, the Eastern or Polynesian
(Polynesian, Melanesian and most Micronesian) of New Zealand,
Hawaii, and the islands of the Pacific Ocean south of Japan
and east of Guam, and the Western or Malayan of the
Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Madagascar,
East Timor, Guam, Yap, Palau, the Marianas, and parts
of Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.
The waves of occupation of the Philippines are all visible
in the racial characteristics of the population of the
Islands, but not necessarily in the languages. The
original wave, usually called Negrito, was the same
wave that produced the Papuan people of New Guinea
and the Solomon Islands, North Halmaheran people
of Halmahera Island of Indonesia, the Melanesians of
Figi, New Caledonia, etc., and the Andamanese of the
Andaman Islands of India. The Papuan languages of
these people have been lost in the Philippines, where
they are known as Aeta, Agta or Ayta, they now speak
Austronesian (Malayan) languages.
The first Austronesian wave came down from Taiwan
through all the Philippine Islands to the Celebes (Sulawesi)
Islands in eastern Indonesia. The languages of northern
Luzon such as Ilocano come from this wave, but nothing
is left of them in Bicol.
The second Austronesian wave came north from Sulawesi
after a population explosion there supposedly caused by
the introduction of the sweet potato brought from South
America by the Polynesians. The languages of southern
and western Mindanao and of the Sulu Islands are from this
wave, but if it reached Bicol, there is nothing left of them now.
The third Austronesian wave came east from Malaysia and
produced the Central Philippine languages such as Bicolano,
Masbate, Tagalog, Waray, Cebuano and Hiligaynon (Ilonggo),
spoken in southern Luzon, the Visayan Islands and northern
and eastern Mindanao. These languages are all quite closely
related to each other, probably as close as English and
Friesian or French and Italian, but not as close as English
and Scots or Spanish and Portuguese.
The next wave was the Chinese, who mostly came as
merchants and scattered through the Islands and are
found in all cities. In most places, they have retained
their Chinese language, especially among the more
recently arrived groups, but nowhere has it become the
main language.
The Spanish conquest introduced many Spanish words
into the Philippine languages, Bicolano has even more
than does Tagalog. The Spanish assigned Spanish
surnames to most of the Philippine people, so having a
Spanish name does not need to indicate Spanish ancestry.
The Philippines were part of New Spain and governed
from its capital, Mexico City, and most ships came here
from Acapulco and other Mexican ports. Most of the
soldiers in the conquest and occupation of the
Philippines were Indian and Mestizo Mexicans, not
Spanish, so the racial contribution of the Indians of
Mexico probably exceeds that of Europeans from
Spain, but the language is always Spanish, not Nahuatl
or Zapotecan. Zamboanga and other areas of
southwestern Mindanao still speak a Spanish Creole
language, but Spanish is dead in the Bicol Region
except for many loan words, which may or may not
retain their original meaning. F is replaced with p and
v with b in loan words from both Spanish and English.
Familia becomes pamilya and Viernes become Biyernes.
The American conquest and occupation brought many
English words and introduced English as an official
language used in education, etc. There are many
Filipinos with White, Black or Native American ancestry
from this American presence, of course, but as this is a
comparatively recent addition, it is usually still known
and identified.
Most of the Bicol Region speaks some form of Bicolano.
Central Bicolano is spoken in most of Camarines Norte,
central and eastern Camarines Sur, western Catanduanes,
and eastern Albay. Albay Bicolano is spoken in western
Albay. Whether these two should be considered separate
languages, mostly mutually unintelligible, or as dialects
of the same language, I don't know. It would be hard to
tell, because most speakers of one have heard the other
enough to understand even the words which are not
common. The twin cities of Legazpi City and Daraga are
kept separate by this linguistic division, Daraga speaks
Albay Bicolano and Legazpi City speaks Central Bicolano.
The Naga dialect of central Camarines Sur, the Buhi
dialect of eastern Camarines Sur and the Legazpi dialect
of eastern Albay are markedly different even though all
are considered Central Bicolano. The are websites on the
internet devoted to Buhi which regard it as a separate language.
Most of Masbate Island, all of Ticao Island and southeastern
Burias Island speak Masbate. Central Sorsogon Province
speaks Sorsogon Masbate, a closely related language.
Northwestern Camarines Norte speaks Tagalog,
southwestern Masbate speaks Hiligaynon (like Panay),
southeastern Masbate speaks Cebuano, and southern
Sorsogon speaks Sorsogon Waray, similar to the
Waray of Samar and Leyte.
Bicol Is Famous For
Ceramics / Pottery
The province is noted for finely crafted jars and pottery from the municipality of Tiwi.
Also of note are the fine-quality hand-made paper products from the municipality of Sto. Domingo.
The stinging taste of Bicolano cuisine is neutralized by the sweetness of pili, a nut which is made into various confections.
One’s visit to the Bicolandia is not complete without catching a captivating view of Mayon Volcano, the world’s most perfect cone and Bicol’s fiery maiden. Her name was derived from the Bikol word “Magayon,” which literally means beautiful. The peak, likened to the legendary beauty Daragang Magayon, is often concealed by clouds urging first-time visitors to stay longer to admire her charm. Despite her enigma which has left a trail of death and destruction brought about by her 15 eruptions, her tantrums have become spectacular fireworks displays to behold.
One of the most visited places in the province, Cagsawa Ruins Park in Daraga affords tourists an unhampered vista of majestic Mayon Volcano. Standing prominently are the ruins of Cagsawa Church, which was buried by molten lava when it erupted on February 1, 1814, killing some 1,200 persons who converged inside it for safety.
Relish Bicolandia’s mouth-watering indigenous cuisine, notably, Bicol Express (spicy pork and shrimp concoction), cosido (fish soup), balaw (small shrimps), natong, candingga, and pinangat. These are made more flavorful by the Bicolano’s penchant for spice.
Albay’s prime souvenirs are abaca products creatively crafted into infinite creations such as home decor, office and personal paraphernalia and exported worldwide. Abaca is considered the world’s strongest fiber. These souvenirs are abundant in Daraga and Tabaco.
A picnic grove and a park all rolled into one, this place is the best way to commune with nature. Have a satisfying get-together with your family and friends while roaming the park, which houses 347 animals belonging to 75 species. The children can enjoy boat and bike rides, too. The park is situated near the foot of Albay’s famous Mayon Volcano.
The Bicol region, a narrow trail of land running south from Manila, is studded with volcanoes, and offers a different and exciting experience for mountain climbers. Popular climbs in the area include Mt. Bulusan, Mt. Isarog, and the perfect towering cone of Mt. Mayon, which has one of the finest summit views in the country. However, Mayon is definitely active – it erupted in 1968, 1978, 1984 and 1993. It is constantly monitored by geologists who post warnings of imminent danger. You should consult the local authorities before trekking here.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
AnG!!!! Bongang BonganG!!!!! TRip

Bulusan Volcano: Sorsogon / 1548m
Mayon Volcano: Albay / 2462m
Mt. Asog (Iriga): Camarines Sur / 1140m
Mt. Isarog: Camarines Sur / 1966m
Mt. Labo: Camarines Norte / 1544m
Mt. Malinao: Albay / 1548m


We have Mt. Isarog and Mt. Asog on board; we're working to have itineraries and information for the other mountains and outdoor destinations in the region.
KADLAGAN Outdoors (Naga, Camarines Sur)
MAISOG Mountaineers (Camarines Sur)
Mayon Mountaineers (Legaspi, Albay)
ORYOL Outdoor Group (Daet, Camarines Norte)
- -3 Day Round Tour in Albay,BicoL- - -
Day 1 :

ALBAY PARK AND WILDLIFE. the only wildlife reserve cum park in bicol. tiger, alligator and ostrich are some of the animals there. we can fish or go boating in the lagoon. the picnic ground awaits us.
DAY 3:
CAGSAWA RUINS. no need to elaborate. with mayon volcano in the background, its difinitely the symbol of the bicol region.
CAMALIG ALBAY. have you tasted the original PINANGAT? well, its your chance. we can make it as a sidetrip.
PEPPERLAND HOTEL. the newest hang-out place in Legazpi City. If we're lucky we can catch joey ayala or grace nono or bayang barrios performing.
if you are adventurous, we can arrange to join the mayon volcano summit summer trek. tiyak mababawasan nyan ang bilbil mo. hehehe...
and if you happen to visit this May, you can celebrate with us the MAGAYON FESTIVAL. you can watch me join the SILI EATING CONTEST where fire eating albayanos gobble hundreds of LADA or SAMBALAS or SILING LABUYO, whatever they call it. aside from the cash prize, the winner makes it to the GUINNESS BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS.